日本山梨 天氣雨
今天是我來的第一個假日!! 工作一天之後馬上放假
她們都說我過很爽 XDD
今日行程:海蒂村->午餐->武田神社->Shopping Mall->溫泉
和 夏さん 告別...我say goodbye的第一位朋友
After working one day, I have a holiday!
Rachel and Viola say that I'm lucky,
For they've been working for over 10 days without resting.
Polinating is a hard work.
When doing so, we have to look up and raise our tools all the time!
We only have the day off when it rains.
First we go to the Heidi's Village!!
It's a famous animation adapted from a Swiss novel--"Heidi"
Check here to see the imformation on Wikipedia.
--About the animation (English Version)
--About the animation (中文版本)
It's a pity that the weather is not good,
however the advantage is not being so crowded as an amusement park usually will be.
There's a Finding Stamps Game in the park.
But because of the bad weather and the limit of time, I've only found two of them.
There's a great huge green house in the park.
My favorite color of roses is yellow!
Due to its flower name: jealousy,
it's not popular to see in flower shops in Taiwan.
I bought some postcards and a special flavor of ice cream for myself.
And it tastes really great!
I've tasted some interesting flavors of ice creams in Japan.
Lavender in Hokkaido.
Sea urchin in Fukuoka.
Rose in Yamanashi.
這部卡通 台灣有翻過 小天使 小英的故事 小蓮的故事 囧 果然很台...
集章的遊戲...那玩偶該不會是紀念品吧?!(大殘念 >"
很適合照相留念的地方 可惜下雨 沒辦法坐在椅子上!
補充一下 我去的中込農園位在山梨縣的南阿爾卑斯市! (南アルプス市)
據說是 日本唯二用平假名外來語命名之縣市...
館內的小展覽 全部都是盒玩...真想帶回家>"
整部卡通的全村場景 背景就是阿爾卑斯山~
有一個在天空中盪鞦韆的海蒂 晃來晃去 看起來超項靈異照片的...
手繪的海蒂遊樂園明信片! 其實很想全部都帶回家...
另外還有海蒂的卡通明信片...嗯 我有節制沒買...
(現在很後悔 Orz 至少該買個一張 但其實大概有兩個旋轉架50張左右)
這是戶外的觀景台...天氣很好的時候應該是看得到富士山滴...BUT...It's raining!!
這裡有個很大的溫室種了很多花花草草 這種心型的植物叫做「宿根草」
會用來佈置結婚的場地 今天是非假日 外面又下著雨 園區感覺有點悽涼
這個小商店車好可愛 全部都是玫瑰的盆栽!!
主要是黃玫瑰的花語是 分手 忌妒 嗯...在大多視為愛情象徵的玫瑰來說 不是個吉利的顏色
所以台灣真的很少進...以前還比較常看到 現在真的幾乎絕跡
下雨...人煙稀少 小火車的生意也是門可羅雀!
超~~~級好吃的 玫瑰花口味ICE CREAM!!! 粉紅的顏色好漂亮
咬下去 玫瑰花淡淡的香味四溢 卻不會過於濃郁像是在吃乳液 XDDD
日幣300円一支! 一定要體驗一下的呀~^O^
沒想到出去玩的照片 多到我每一張都想放...
所以只好先來個上集 ...
下集待續 0.0
- Aug 04 Wed 2010 11:27
*~Wwoofing in Yamanashi, Japan 3-1/30~*