
久違的男性...Postcrossing 似乎參加的女生比較多耶...(TW-20327)
這位來自挪威的先生 已經決定要告別 Poscrossing 了

Bleikfis(or Robin) is a member from Norway .

He has been a member for over 2 years (946 days).
Postcards Sent: 227
Postcards Received: 229
Distance Sent: 830,987 Kms
Last Seen: about 22 hours ago
Speaks: english, norwegian

14th on most postcards sent from Norway
11st on longest distance sent from Norway

Hi there.
Today i send 4 cards, they have just been lieing around here for over a mounth. Sorry to those who will receive them, beacause it took so long.
I will now take a break from postcrossing. Don't know when i'll be back again. But, I'll be back one day!
And to all that have written to me about private swaps. Soory for not taking the time to answer all of you. But i will not do private swaps for now. Don't feel i have the time or power to dealing with postcards or me for the time.
I just need time for myself to relax and getting better.
So long and take care.
Happy postcrossing from Robin

累積了四封信 遲遲才寄出
他說他想要休息一下 不知道何時回來 不過一定會回來...

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